The Obama administration says it is not inclined to ask Congress for additional funds, and that banks will have to rely primarily on private sources to raise capital in the future. 奥巴马政府说,美国政府不倾向于要求国会额外注资,银行将主要依靠私人来源筹集未来的资金。
Numbers and types of requests for additional funds or changes in spending schedules 对额外资金或花销安排中的变更的请求的数量和类型
While most have no immediate need for additional funds, brokerages have taken advantage of rising valuations to raise cheap capital. 虽然多数券商并不迫切需要更多资金,但各家券商已利用不断上升的估值来募集廉价资本。
Additional funds will be used to provide medicine and a new laboratory. 额外资金也会用于药品研发和建立新实验室。
So increasing debt levels around the sector could raise concerns that the industry may again be caught short, as it was in the 2009 crisis when Xstrata and Rio Tinto among others had to seek additional funds from shareholders. 因此,该行业不断上升的债务水平可能会让人们担心,该行业可能会再次面临资金短缺,就像2009年危机时那样,当时xstrata和力拓以及其他矿商不得不从股东那里寻求更多资金。
Its promise of additional funds for science communication includes a commitment to create a service that will bring together DFID's research results with the best of other organisations. 追加科技推广经费的承诺包括建立服务平台确保DFID的研究成果是最好的。
But if interest rates have gone up during the period since the original loan was secured, borrowers pay a higher rate in order to hold additional funds. 但如果在初期借款之后利率已经上升,借方必须为增借的资金付出更高的利息。
UCD says the donation will be "a significant factor in raising additional funds from Government and other sources for the? 20 million development". 爱尔兰国立大学说这次捐款将“为这个2千万的发展计划从政府和其他渠道筹措到更多的资金起着重要作用”。
But Bourguignon also noted the need to provide additional funds for development. 但是,布吉尼翁也指出,需要为发展提供更多的资金。
Taiwan's government tried yesterday to prevent a liquidity crisis at The Chinese Bank from spreading by injecting additional funds into the ailing lender and promising to guarantee depositors 'savings. 台湾政府昨日向陷于困境的中华商业银行(TheChineseBank)注资纾困,并承诺保障储蓄客户的存款,以防这家银行的流动性危机扩散。
The revised plan will program the use of the additional funds from the FTI and other donors. 修订的计划将为利用FTI和其它捐助机构提供的新资金制定方案。
His generous donation filled our need for additional funds. 他的慷慨捐赠满足了我们对额外资金的需求。
The Obama administration will have to go back to Congress for additional funds to recapitalise the banking system to restore the normal flow of credit in the economy, Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, said yesterday. 美联储(federalreserve)前主席格林斯潘(alangreenspan)昨天说,奥巴马(obama)政府将不得不再度要求国会额外拨出资金,以重组银行体系的资本结构,恢复经济中正常的信贷周转。
The Supervisory Board felt the same way and approved additional funds for further models and vehicle derivatives. 而且,监理会也有同感,他们同意拨款资助我们构建更多模型、开发汽车衍生品。
The Organization has allocated nearly$ 400000 of its own resources to provide immediate emergency agricultural inputs until additional funds are available. 本组织已从其自有资源中拨款近40万美元,以提供近期紧急农业投入物,直到获得额外资金。
Real are also discussing the possibility of selling Julio Baptista to raise additional funds. 为了提高额外的资金,皇马也已经开始讨论出售巴普蒂斯塔的可能性。
The World Food Programme urgently needs additional funds and supporting its well-run programmes to feed the poor is a moral and economic imperative. 世界粮食计划署(wfp)迫切需要额外资金,支持其运转良好的贫困人口粮食计划是一项道义和经济责任。
He says the government has given additional funds to make sure plants are running full-time. 他表示,政府已投入更多资金确保处理厂能24小时运转。
Moreover, he had heard that ng Joo Siang, managing director of China fishery, had been talking to UBS about a secondary listing in Oslo ( Norwegians understand fish), suggesting the company was looking for additional funds. 此外,他已经听说中渔集团董事总经理黄裕翔(ngjoosiang)一直在与瑞银接触,商谈在奥斯陆二次上市事宜(挪威人了解渔业),这意味着该公司正在寻求更多的资金。
Eurozone countries have so far committed$ 200bn, while the US has said it will not contribute additional funds. 欧元区国家迄今承诺拿出2000亿美元,而美国已表明不会贡献任何额外资金。
In the final communiqu é of the Development Committee, shareholders committed to preserving IDA's financing capacity dollar-for dollar by assuring additional funds. 在发展委员会的最后公报中,利益相关者承诺通过确保提供新的资金完全保留国际开发协会的融资能力。
Yet because security was a non-revenue-producing function, its position on the priority list for additional funds was low. 不过,安全部本身是个无进项可谋的部门,要审请额外经费就得换在别人后面。
Many of the countries represented in this room have played a leading role in the creation of new health initiatives for the developing world and in finding innovative ways to secure additional funds. 与会的许多国家在制定协助发展中国家的新卫生计划和设法以新颖方式提供更多资金方面,发挥了重要作用。
The authority said that various new financial arrangements had been put in place including a 300m insurance policy to provide additional funds in the event of the failure of one of the larger tour operators. 民航局表示,各种新财务安排已经就位,其中包括一份价值3亿英镑的保单,以便在较大的旅游公司破产时,能够提供额外的资金。
She was able to raise money from Exxon, a large US oil company, to start the program and gradually raised additional funds to keep the program growing. 她成功地从埃克森公司&一家美国大石油公司筹集到了资金来开始她的项目,并不断地募集新的资金来保证项目的发展。
Riordan became chairman of ICEF Public Schools'board and has gone to work reforming the system's governance and raising additional funds. 赖尔登成为了ICEF公立学校董事会的主席,并且开始了改革管理制度和筹集额外资金的工作。
This is because direct funding is likely to raise total spending on R& D by more than the amount spent by the government, as additional funds may be provided by the firm itself. 这是因为直接的资助可能比政府支出更会提高整体的研发经费,因为公司会相应地投入额外的经费。
India is contributing core funding for the centre, but once it is set up, the government will seek additional funds from UN agencies and other international bodies. 印度将提供中心的主要资助,但一旦其成立后,政府将从联合国和其它国际机构寻求另外的资金。
Donor and government funds were also pooled to create a'basket fund'for redistribution in individual districts, providing additional funds per person. 捐助者和政府的资助还被汇集成了一个“一揽子基金”,然后在各个地区重新分配,提供了额外的人均资助。